Welcome, and thank you for using TalentCoin. TalentCoin offers and manages a brokerage and exchange service for intellectual and IT services that can be executed primarily remotely, for professionals registered on its barter platform (hereinafter the "TalentCoin Service"). TalentCoin SAS also offers its own talents in study, design and support services for the identification of innovation capacity and in the contractualization of innovation (see TalentCoin Consulting Service). TalentCoin also aims to offer exchanges of packaged partner products and services and distributed production, in a second step ("Partner Service"). To simplify the use of the TalentCoin Service, our members' services (Solution as a Service "SaaS" and Talent as a Service or "TaaS") are called "Services" or "Products" when they are subscribed. Individuals or consumers cannot join the TalentCoin Service.


The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Operation, Use and Sale (hereinafter referred to as the GTUS) is to govern the relationship between TalentCoin SAS and the Members as well as the relationship between Members exchanging Services or Products and the governance rules of the Members' community (via the Manifesto). For the Member, simple access to the TalentCoin website at the following URL address: implies the express and irrevocable acceptance of all the conditions described below. TalentCoin reserves the right to unilaterally modify the content of these general terms and conditions of use at any time. The Member must then validate the new GTUS the next time he connects. These GTUS apply, without restriction or reservation, in addition to the Legal Notices, the Manifesto, the Data Protection Conditions and the Security Policy, to all services provided by TalentCoin and on the platform. The Members’ personnels assigned by their company to their Services or involved in the sale of Services or Products by the Member on the platform, are to consent individually when they register in the Talent area and collectively when the Member company registers, to the conditions of collection, updating, modification, classification, storage, retention, archiving and pseudonymization and any other processing required to ensure the contractualization, administration, execution and monitoring (amicable or not) of their data under the Data Protection and Security Policy rules. Members of the TalentCoin community are and remain liable for the acts and omissions of their employees and representatives, and undertake to ensure the accuracy and legality of the information they store on the platform and comply with the social, tax and regulatory rules that are their conventional, regulatory and legal responsibility, to their employees from TalentCoin and the other Members or any third party. The User (Member's legal representative and "Talent" staff assigned by a Member to a Service, its promotion, subscription, performance and warranty period) acknowledges, by registering personally and in the name of the Member company, that he/she has read these GTUS before registering, ordering or proposing the Service, which come in addition to the anticipated conditions and prevail over any sales or purchase conditions specific to the Member. Together, these conditions form the Community Membership and Governance Compliance Agreement, the brokerage, reverse invoicing, direct payment and invoicing mandate on behalf of a Member binding with TalentCoin and each Member with the other with respect to compliance with the Manifesto.

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In accordance with Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, known as the Data Protection Act, the database and the related processing operations, in particular pursuant to European directives and regulations, such as the European Regulation n°2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of Personal Data and on the free flow of such Data (hereafter the "GDPR") are subject to a declaration to the CNIL before being put into production. In this context, our User customers benefit for themselves and their authorized natural persons from a right of access and rectification to the information concerning them, which they can exercise by using the contact form on the website To find out how the TalentCoin Publishing Company processes personal data in order to be informed of the rights to this data, and to learn more about cookies, TalentCoin invites users to consult its personal data policy or contact its data protection representative. As data processing controller, TalentCoin SAS attaches great importance to the protection and respect of your privacy. This policy is intended to inform you of our practices regarding the collection, use, hosting and sharing of information that you may provide to us through our platform (the "Platform") accessible from the website and by using our services and platform and subsequently our mobile applications.

Privacy Policy